Polfareren - Svalbard Hotel restaurant i Longyearbyen

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Vei 221, Longyearbyen, SJ Svalbard y Jan Mayen
Kontakter telefon: +47
Hjemmeside: www.svalbardbooking.com
Latitude: 78.2167474, Longitude: 15.6342858
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Kommentar 5

  • Eirik Medby

    Eirik Medby


    Had the scallops ceviche and japanese ramen which was really really good. Also got Norwegian flatbread with amazing hummus. Friendly staff and fast service.

  • Steven Woods

    Steven Woods


    Fantastisk sted og veldig hyggelig betjening.

  • Анна К

    Анна К


    cosy place for meeting with family or friends in the centre of Longyearbyen We had several visits to this restaurant. We received a fantastic experience every time. The restaurant is small. The atmosphere is lovely, cosy. The staff is very friendly & knows different languages. Great service. The food is original & delicious, excellent with good wines. It was relatively inexpensive. Highly recommend!!!

  • Stephan Bouman

    Stephan Bouman


    Some of the absolute best food I've had, not only in Longyearbyen but globally, and for affordable prices. Friendly staff that are attentive and try hard to give you the best possible experience. Cosy atmosphere and fast service. The restaurant's correct name is Polfareren, by the way. Some of the other online reviews highlight their seal carpaccio and their risotto, and correctly so, and the reindeer is perhaps even better.

  • Annatjie Engelbrecht

    Annatjie Engelbrecht


    This restaurant is really cosy and warm, but their food is of the best in Longyearbyen. Because of their good food and limited space one should reserve for dinner bookings. They are very friendly and helpful at the reception and do not need to be a hotel guest to book for dinner.

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