Restaurant Kroa (Steakers Svalbard AS) i Longyearbyen

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postboks 150, N-9171 Norway, Hilmar Rekstens vei, Longyearbyen, Svalbard
Kontakter telefon: +47 79 02 13 00
Latitude: 78.2169682, Longitude: 15.6350311
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Kommentar 5

  • Kent Ratzlaff

    Kent Ratzlaff


    Excellent ambience and service. Wait staff was very friendly and helpful even with my English only vocabulary. The good was above average with good local options and today staples like burgers and pizza. A perfect place to get a local beer and meal with locals.

  • Deepthy Iyer

    Deepthy Iyer


    First day in Svalbard and very hungry, spotted Dal rice veg friendly here. It was really hearty and good and went in for the 2nd time! Good for Indians who need a simple dal rice or veg friendly food.

  • Grzegorz D.

    Grzegorz D.


    Przyjemna atmosfera, zabójczo wysokie ceny, smaczne piwo. Nie polecam muttonburgera bo jest twardy jak podeszwa. Pizza zjadliwa

  • Maxwell Sherman

    Maxwell Sherman


    Great food and fantastic service! There was really good vegetarian food on both the lunch and dinner menus. Dinners are reservation, but lunch is not. However, I didn't know this and walked in hoping for dinner once. One of the staff was kind enough to give me a table (since its reservation wasn't for another couple hours) if I could eat fast enough. Cozy environment and very friendly staff.

  • Lordzisko Pan

    Lordzisko Pan


    bo kurwa jest na zadupiu

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