Restaurant Nansen i Longyearbyen

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Longyearbyen, Svalbard
Kontakter telefon: +47
Latitude: 78.2210541, Longitude: 15.6480503
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Kommentar 5

  • Robert Gallacher

    Robert Gallacher


    Lovely atmosphere beautiful location, unfortunately the steak was a bit dry and the brownie was more of a cake

  • steve30avs



    Nice place with a great view. The food was pretty good, nice and filling. Took a while for the food to come out. Make sure to book a reservation, or they might not have a seat available.

  • ܣܝܒܝܠCibele ܡܗܡܘܕ Mehmood

    ܣܝܒܝܠCibele ܡܗܡܘܕ Mehmood


    Amazing place ! Really !!! They serve vegetarian food also and very well prepared ! The view is wonderful and let all visitors speechless ! All services are fantastic and we feel very welcomed! Prices are good too

  • Stephan Bouman

    Stephan Bouman


    This restaurant just achieves 3 stars, and only because of the food being good, and because of the magnificent view if you can manage to get a seat near a window. The prices are high (you can get the same quality or better food other places in town for significantly less), and the restaurant as well as the hotel itself are old and worn-out.

  • Henning Kujus

    Henning Kujus


    Das Essen und der Service waren sehr gut. Wir haben hier 1 Tag vorher reserviert, was man wohl immer machen sollte...😎 Die Zubereitung der sog. Starter und des Hauptgerichts hat zwar etwas gedauert, wurde aber durch das sehr leckere Essen mehr als wieder gut gemacht. Die kostenlosen Appetithappen gleich zum Anfang waren optisch wie geschmacklich ein Genuss...😋 Auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen...Top.

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