Fruene AS i Longyearbyen

Åben kort
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🕗 Åbningstider

Longyearbyen, Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Kontakter telefon: +47 79 02 76 40
Latitude: 78.2187577, Longitude: 15.6405509
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Kommentar 5

  • Gunnar Mallon

    Gunnar Mallon


    Tasty tasty tasty coffee and cakes. When you're in Longyearbyen, as cozy stop at Freune is a must. It's a perfect day to chill out with friends and plan the next day's activities.

  • Ahmed



    The perfect place to have a nice warm coffee after a long day in the cold!

  • Stephan Bouman

    Stephan Bouman


    Their handmade chocolate is great - particularly the confectionery (the little white chocolate polar bears are cute but otherwise not impressive). However the cafe area is small and tends to be full, there is very little space. Entrance both from within the shopping center and from outside.

  • Nils Urban

    Nils Urban


    Great cafe to go to! Super friendly service staff. The offer good warm food, muffins and delicious selfmade chocolate. Enjoy your time there.

  • Gabriela Paciulo

    Gabriela Paciulo


    This place is just amazing. If you are visiting longyearbyen this is a place that should be in your priority list. The chocolates are the most delicious I've tried in Norway, the sandwiches are very good as well. All the drinks are very good too and the ambient is very comfortable and warm, would spend my afternoon there easily. The northern lights chocolate is the best, you should try.

Nærmeste Cafe:

Rabalder Cafe & Bakery

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