Svalbardbutikken i Longyearbyen

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🕗 Åbningstider

Longyearbyen 9170, Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Kontakter telefon: +47 79 02 25 34
Latitude: 78.2181618, Longitude: 15.6402719
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Kommentar 5

  • steve30avs



    Nice store, reminds me of a Lidl. Lots of souvenirs too. I wanted a picture of some apples to show people back home the price of food in Svalbard and was told to put my camera away, boo. Part of coming here was to see the price of food compared to back home.

  • Maxwell Sherman

    Maxwell Sherman


    Very nice store - makes Longyearbyen feel no more remote than any other town. Pretty large, with products varying between regular groceries, souvenirs, and other things like video games and clothing you wouldn't expect to find there.

  • Yaroslav Bagatow

    Yaroslav Bagatow


    Everything u really need in this surreal place. prices high for fruits, vegetables and flowers. Friendly costumer personal.

  • Eugene F

    Eugene F


    It‘s quite surprising to find so big variety so far north. Most prices are OK, some fresh stuff can be $$$ but few days later it’s on sale.... Best selection of souvenirs. It sells alcohol but opening hours are shorter(don’t forget to bring flight ticket and ID)

  • kevs767



    A fine grocery store at the top of the world. The store offers everything a person would expect from local grocery store. Prices are to be expected for Svalbard, but they did have sale prices too. I purchased bottled water for less than $1 USD, so that was a fair price. A stopping place for forgotten items while on vacation.

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