Svalbard Museum i Longyearbyen

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Vei 231 - 1, Longyearbyen 9170, Svalbard and Jan Mayen
Kontakter telefon: +47 79 02 64 90
Latitude: 78.222288, Longitude: 15.6529862
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Kommentar 5

  • Pop Adrian

    Pop Adrian


    Award winning museum! Very impresive well structured and modern!

  • Fredrik Theisen Kleveland

    Fredrik Theisen Kleveland


    Very good museum, lots of stuff to see and many facts to learn :))

  • Stephan Bouman

    Stephan Bouman


    Very nice and beautiful little museum, outlining the history and development of Svalbard - built up around small themes, such as explorers, hunting, mining, and modern day science. It's a small place, in the same building as the university center and North Norwegian Art Gallery. Worth spending 90 NOK and 1-2 hours. Also sells books and detailed maps of Svalbard's islands. Free wardrobe with lockers for your bags and shoes, and indoor shoes to borrow (but you can also easily just do it without shoes). NB museum is closed during winter months.

  • Jeffrey Au

    Jeffrey Au


    Contained all the information you needed know know about Svalbard, and had pretty much logged most of Svalbard's history and the stories of how men survived the harsh winters and conquered the barren Svalbard islands. Also a great place to go in for a bit of warmth because of the heaters.

  • kevs767



    Great information given on Svalbard history, natural history too. A quaint museum which offers great insight on Svalbard. We enjoyed the museum and learning more about Svalbard.

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